
18 karat gold wouldn't fill the hole
The bleeding hole in her heart
That's made from circumstances at home
Cus they kept pulling her hair
So they choked her words
She don't sleep at night, afraid to turn out the light
And she's home

I thought: 18 karat gold, would save a lonely soul..?
But she don't sleep at night, afraid to turn out the light
Cause they kept pulling her hair
Wouldn't leave her alone
But if only I could read her mind
And release that stone

Postat av: Veronica

ja vi får väl se hur det går... De hade fått in 2 par i måndags...jag menar 2 par?!?! Hur stor är chansen att det är ett par 36:or??

Kanske 3-4 par till imorgon...hmm...känns rätt hopplöst.


2009-02-18 @ 23:49:41
URL: http://meandmycloset.blogg.se/

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